- AIイラストに個性を加える方法
- 108種類のブラシ効果
- 108種類のブラシ呪文(コピペOK)
サンプル画像はすべて「bing image creator」を使っています。
※bing image creatorは商用不可です。
- ペンタイプ・・・Gペン・丸ペンなど
- ブラシタイプ・・・油彩・水彩など
ブラシ呪文 1~20番
No | ブラシ名 | 画像サンプル | 呪文 |
1 | Gペン | Create a cute rabbit illustration in a penmanship style using a single stroke with a G-pen brush. | |
2 | Gペン(ソフト) | Create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke using a soft G-pen brush. | |
3 | Gペン(ハード) | Create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke using a hard G-pen brush. | |
4 | Gペン(にじみ) | Create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke using a blurred G pen brush. | |
5 | ペン | Create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke of a pen. | |
6 | ペン(フェード) | Create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke of a fade pen brush. | |
7 | デジタルペン | Using a digital pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
8 | エアブラシ | Using an airbrush, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
9 | エアブラシ(粒子) | Using a particle airbrush, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
10 | 天才ペン | Using a genius pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
11 | 恋ペン | Using a love pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
12 | インク詰まり | Using an ink-clogged brush, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
13 | インク溜まり | Create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke using an ink pool brush. | |
14 | ネームペン | Using a name pen, create an illustration of a cute rabbit with a single stroke. | |
15 | 紙質ペン | Using a paper quality pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
16 | 丸ペン | Using a round pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
17 | カブラペン | Using a Kabura pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
18 | スクールペン | Using a school pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
19 | 日本字ペン | Using a Japanese character pen, create an illustration of a cute rabbit with a single stroke. | |
20 | ファルコンペン | Using a Falcon pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
ブラシ呪文 21~40番
No | ブラシ名 | 画像サンプル | 呪文 |
21 | 製図ペン | Using a drafting pen, create an illustration of a cute rabbit with a single stroke. | |
22 | カラス口 | Using a crow’s mouth, create an illustration of a cute rabbit with a single stroke. | |
23 | ミリペン | Using a millipen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
24 | ボールペン | Using a ballpoint pen, create a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
25 | 万年筆 | Using a fountain pen, create an illustration of a cute rabbit with a single stroke. | |
26 | ガラスペン | A glass pen is used to create an illustration of a cute rabbit with a single stroke. | |
27 | 鉛筆 | Using a pencil, a cute rabbit is illustrated with a single stroke. | |
28 | 鉛筆(グラファイト) | A graphite pencil is used to draw a cute rabbit illustration in a single stroke. | |
29 | 鉛筆(ざらざら) | Using a rough pencil, the artist draws a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke. | |
30 | シャーペン | Using a mechanical pencil, a cute rabbit is illustrated with a single stroke. | |
31 | 色鉛筆 | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn in one stroke using colored pencils. | |
32 | 水彩鉛筆 | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn with a single stroke using watercolor pencils. | |
33 | ガザガザえんぴつ | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn with a single stroke using a rustling pencil. | |
34 | マーカー | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn with a single stroke in marker. | |
35 | カリグラフィー | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn in calligraphy with a single stroke. | |
36 | オシャレペン | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn with a single stroke in a fashionable pen. | |
37 | スタイリッシュペン | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn with a single stroke of a stylish pen. | |
38 | スタイリッシュペン筆 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of a stylish pen brush. | |
39 | かすれマーカー | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke using a blurred marker. | |
40 | オシャレマーカー | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke using a stylish marker. | |
ブラシ呪文 41~60番
No | ブラシ名 | 画像サンプル | 呪文 |
41 | アルコールマーカー | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke using alcohol markers. | |
42 | 水彩(ポイント) | The cute rabbit illustration was painted with a single stroke using point watercolor. | |
43 | 水彩(にじみ) | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in smudged watercolor. | |
44 | 水彩(不透明) | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in opaque watercolor. | |
45 | 水彩(境界) | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in border watercolor. | |
46 | 平筆水彩 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of a flat brush in watercolor. | |
47 | フェード水彩 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in faded watercolor. | |
48 | もこ水彩 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in moko watercolor. | |
49 | 透明水彩 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in transparent watercolor. | |
50 | ガッシュ | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in gouache. | |
51 | アクリル | The cute rabbit illustration was painted with a single stroke of acrylic. | |
52 | 印象派 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke in impressionistic style. | |
53 | 油彩(ラフ) | The cute rabbit illustration was done in rough oil paint with a single stroke. | |
54 | 油彩(髪の毛) | The cute rabbit illustration was painted with a single stroke of hair oil paint. | |
55 | 油彩(ソフト) | The cute rabbit illustration was painted with a single stroke of soft oil paint. | |
56 | 油彩(ハード) | The cute rabbit illustration was painted with a single stroke of hard oil paint. | |
57 | 和筆(山水) | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of the Sanzui Japanese brush. | |
58 | 髪の毛 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of a hairbrush. | |
59 | ツヤベタペン | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of a glossy pen. | |
60 | 習字ペン | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of a calligraphy pen. | |
ブラシ呪文 61~80番
No | ブラシ名 | 画像サンプル | 呪文 |
61 | かすれ筆 | The cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single, grainy brushstroke. | |
62 | チリチリペン | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn with a single stroke of a chili pen. | |
63 | 走り書きペン | Cute rabbit illustrations are drawn with a single stroke of a scribble pen. | |
64 | 丸筆(ポイント) | The cute rabbit illustration is drawn in a single stroke with a point round brush. | |
65 | 丸筆(ファン) | The cute rabbit illustration is written in a single stroke with a fan round brush. | |
66 | 丸筆(リアル) | A cute rabbit illustration was drawn with a single stroke of a real round brush. | |
67 | 平筆(カーブ) | I drew a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke of a curved flat brush. | |
68 | 平筆(アングル) | I drew a cute rabbit illustration with a single stroke of the Angle flat brush. | |
69 | 平筆(ライン) | A single stroke of the line flat brush was used to illustrate a cute rabbit. | |
70 | 木炭 | A single stroke of charcoal illustrates a cute rabbit. | |
71 | ソフトパステル | A single stroke of soft pastel is used to illustrate a cute rabbit. | |
72 | ハードパステル | A single stroke of hard pastel draws a cute rabbit illustration. | |
73 | クレヨン | A single stroke of crayon draws a cute rabbit illustration. | |
74 | チョーク | A single stroke of chalk draws a cute rabbit illustration. | |
75 | 境界線 | A single stroke with a black and yellow border pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
76 | 袋文字(ボーダーカラー:ピンク) | Illustration of a cute rabbit drawn in outline letters with bag letters and black letter pen. Pink is specified as the font border color. | |
77 | 発光ペン | A single stroke with a luminescent pen produces a cute rabbit illustration. | |
78 | ネオンペン | A stroke of neon pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
79 | 点線(丸) | A single dotted stroke of a circle creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
80 | 点線(四角) | A single stroke of a square like a dot picture completes a cute rabbit illustration. | |
ブラシ呪文 81~100番
No | ブラシ名 | 画像サンプル | 呪文 |
81 | 破線 | A single dashed line stroke completes the cute rabbit illustration. | |
82 | 穴あきペン | With a single stroke of a perforated pen, a cute rabbit illustration was completed. | |
83 | 影付き文字 | A single stroke with shadowed letters completes the illustration of a cute rabbit. | |
84 | たてしまペン | A single stroke with a vertically striped pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
85 | よこしまペン | A stroke of a pen with horizontal stripes completes the illustration of a cute rabbit. | |
86 | ピクセル(ドット)ペン | A stroke of the pixel pen completes the cute rabbit illustration. | |
87 | チューブペン | A single stroke with a tube pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
88 | スティッチ(太)ーカラー比較(明) | A stroke of Stitch (bold) – Color Comparison (bright) creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
89 | カラーふちどり(太)ーカラー比較(明) | A single stroke of color border (bold)-color comparison (bright) completes a cute rabbit illustration. | |
90 | ウニラッシュ | A single stroke on the UniLash pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
91 | 葉蘭ラッシュ | A stroke of a leaf orchid rush pen completes the cute rabbit illustration. | |
92 | 乱杭ラッシュ | A single stroke with a random-pile rush pen completes the cute rabbit illustration. | |
93 | スピード | A single stroke with a speed pen completes the cute rabbit illustration. | |
94 | プリズム光輪 | With a single stroke of the prismatic halo, you can draw a cute rabbit illustration. | |
95 | プリズムフラッシュ | With a single stroke of the prismatic flash, you can draw a cute rabbit illustration. | |
96 | 点描 | A single stroke with dots will create a cute rabbit illustration. | |
97 | スパッタリング(粗目) | Cute rabbit illustrations can also be drawn with a single stroke using coarse spatter. | |
98 | モアレ | Cute rabbit illustrations can also be drawn with a single stroke using moiré. | |
99 | ガーゼ | Cute rabbit illustrations can also be drawn with a single stroke using gauze. | |
100 | スプラッシュ | A single stroke with a splash pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
ブラシ呪文 101~108番
No | ブラシ名 | 画像サンプル | 呪文 |
101 | フレア | A single stroke with a flare pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
102 | 立方体ペン | A single stroke with a cube pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
103 | 虹ペン | A stroke of a rainbow pen creates a cute rabbit illustration. | |
104 | 色変えペン | With a stroke of a color-changing pen, you can draw a cute rabbit illustration. | |
105 | ファー | A single stroke with a fur pen can create a cute rabbit illustration. | |
106 | レース | A single stroke with a lace pen completes the cute rabbit illustration. | |
107 | 砂紋 | A single stroke with a sand print pen completes the illustration of a cute rabbit. | |
108 | アウトラインペン(ふちどり) | A stroke of the outline pen was completed on a cute rabbit illustration. |